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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Entering MySpace's Universe

Life at the Border (detail), 2008, acrylic on canvas, 36"x48"

I started a page on MySpace. It is not easy to understand how to proceed, I wanted something which looks OK, so I had to put my hands in the html. It seems to be an interesting adventure: I choose my friends within the artists/galleries/museums and magazines community. I hope to build a nice network of people from San Diego.

I am very happy to be a friend of Gus Van Sant but apparently you never know who exactly is behind a page!
A few days ago I received a request from Rene Clair (a French Filmmaker who died in 1981) to be on his friends list… In “awards” you will find “Venice International film Festival, 1924”, in “interests”, you will find “ Surrealism”, in “Music”, “Erik Satie” and the movie lists starts with “Paris qui Dort” (1924) and “Entr’acte” (1924)…

In the messages people sent, there is this one, from S.E.A.N:
“Thank you for the invite Rene!!!
You are welcome to listen to my sound, read my blogs, look at my art etc...
and I will do the same....
Have a great weekend new friend!!!”

Surrealist indeed!
In the list of Rene Clair’s friends you will find Robert Desnos (who died in 1945), “Red Light Razorgirl: Sexual Graffiti Arts” (she wears her panty on her head), and “Dr Joseph Suglia: The Greatest Author in the World”.

To be continued…

1 comment:

Lori Lipsman said...

The networking sites like myspace really are fantastic. Unfortunatly I will not join myspace, since I started with Facebook, I cannot do both. I am enjoying the networking. That is really weird about died people. I am not sure I like it. I think I would freak out if my brother were on one of these.