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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Art of Framing: Obama '08 / Art for Change

Obama 2008, acrylic on wood panel, 16"x16"

Obama 2008, acrylic on wood panel, 12"x12"

Group art show - 35 works
Friday, September 5
and Saturday, September 6, 2008 5:00-11:00 pm

My statement for the show
On September 17, 2008, I will become an American citizen; and one of the most important aspects of this citizenship for me is the right to vote. I am especially excited to vote for someone brilliant, different, who makes me hope that a different political view is possible. Above and beyond becoming an American, I feel like being a citizen of the world. I believe Obama can unite people from different horizons and countries to envision, at last, holistic solutions for the problems the Earth is facing right now.

I worked both portraits I present in this show the way I usually work my paintings: starting with a photo, I simplify the image to keep only the essential. Then I proceed with layers of colors.

Art of Framing
3333 Adams Avenue,
San Diego, CA 92116


Lori Lipsman said...

Congratulations! A US citizen, and showing more work, have fun at the show and voting! Hope you can keep your French citizenship too.

Michele Guieu said...

Thank you Lori! A lot of things are happening right now and it is very exciting!

Anonymous said...

Michele..congratulations...We need more citizens like you!

Anonymous said...

Michele..congratulations...We need more citizens like you!