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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

One Day at a Time

Not much time to write in the blog these days. C'est la vie!

Working on my upcoming solo show at the San Diego Art Institute in June. Not done yet. Not much time left. Enjoying the adventure very much. Experiencing one more time the same space inside the museum. Making the mock-ups of the installation of paintings on Photoshop, on a small scale. The mock-ups evolve as my project evolves. It is so amazing to be able to check everything out and try different possibilities. I can "move around the paintings".

Going to the kids' school to work on some art projects with them. Precious time spent with both classes. Learning. Watching. Listening.
Field trips too.

Taking pictures.

Almost done with a very interesting and exciting collective project. Very happy to have the opportunity to participate. More details in a few days!

Have been hiking with Lori in the blooming Tecolote canyon quite a few times now in the morning. Wonderful, very much needed.

Working on the "Summer Salon Series" night I am invited to July 8 at the San Diego Museum of Art in Balboa. Spent time in the museum looking at the space, taking pictures, thinking about what I will do there that night. Intimidating and stimulating at the same time. I am working on the transformation of images of the museum's collection, there will be projection(s) of images outside and inside the museum, a workshop.
A group of artists from San Diego are invited during the summer to participate to the Summer Salon Series, every Thursday.

The Neuroscience Institute

Dr. Ramachandran and Roman de Salvo

Went to the Neurosciences Institute Auditorium in la Jolla: there was a passionate discussion between artist Roman de Salvo and neuroscientist Dr. Ramachandran. The auditorium was packed.

Before the talk, Brian Chen, principal viola of the San Diego Symphony performed Bach Cello Suites. As I was listening to that deeply moving music, I was looking at the viola. A few pounds of material and here it is: a perfect instrument, capable of rendering an amazing range of emotions. Humans build bombs and tanks and they fight endlessly, but they can make a perfect music instrument, play and actually create peace.

Thank you Brian Chen, and thank you Dr. Ramachandran for your knowledge, your humor and your enthusiasm, and Roman for the art you create (see Nexus Eucaliptus, created in San Diego in 2006). Thank you all for the inspiration.

1 comment:

Lori Lipsman said...

You are busy with such wonderful projects. I look forward to seeing the exhibit, collaborative project, and what you do for the Salon Series.
Remember to take care of yourself, every day!