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Thursday, July 15, 2010


Territories Series / Connections # 25,
2010, acrylic on canvas, 20"x20"

Before leaving San Diego and returning to France, my mom decided to buy this painting. She loves it - she already bought some paintings of that same series
"Territories Series / Connections".

She left the day before the Summer Salon Series I was invited to. She was not happy to miss it (There was a misunderstanding about the dates when she bought her ticket in France. Unfortunately she could not change it). But in a way she participated in that very special evening at the San Diego Museum of Art.

By buying the painting she paid for all the t-shirts given away during the events, for one banner and for other material.
Thank you so much for supporting my art and it is not the first time! I believe in "investing" in my art, by making the choice to spend some money for a project I am working on. I know that it is not always necessary but sometimes it is not about how not to spend anything for a project but about spending reasonably to get the result I wish. Even if in the end there is nothing to sell - and in that case it was giving away t-shirts and prints.

My mom could not take the painting on the plane (we learned that at the airport: the format, although not very big, was not not allowed in the cabin). So yesterday I shipped it via USPS with the cheapest option. I also put in the package one of the limited series of prints (10) I've made (and that Claudia printed) for Lori Lipsman's bulletin board, part of her upcoming exhibition "Canyon Shadow Play" a Art Produce Gallery.
My mom will get the painting and the print in a few weeks.


Lori Lipsman said...
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Lori Lipsman said...

Thank you Michele and please thank your mother for me.