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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My New Space / Upcoming Show

That's how the garage space looked when I arrived here in late July. There were 4 shelves and no panels on the only wall I could use. Now the shelves are regrouped in the middle of the garage, like an island, I am waiting for the owner to come get them. It may never happen and that's OK.

I insulated the wall I wanted to use, even if the rest of the room is not insulated. But the sun heats directly that wall on the outside, so I figured it could help a little.
Then a very efficient handy man installed some drywall in 2 hours.

I painted the wall white even if I know it will not stay like that for very long, but the soft reflection of the light on the white is really nice.

That's why I painted my card boxes white too, it does help the light to reflect in the room.

It did not take much time to figure out what I wanted and to make the few changes I needed to feel comfortable with the space. Since then, I am working on the new series for the next exhibition at Project X in December (which I started in San Diego, before moving), "Defragmentation, rearranging bits and pieces of memory". I will have the pleasure to come to San Diego for a week to install the show and hopefully to see all my friends!
I am very excited about the project and I am working on it intensely.


Lori Lipsman said...

Congratulations! You're moved in, and studio set up.

If you find it still feels dark you can always paint the ceiling, rafters and all, even a white wash will help.

Have fun in your new space, and looking forward to seeing the show in Dec.

Michele Guieu said...

Thanks Lori!

The white wash is a good idea, I will see how the light goes in the winter.

So far I like the space. I have more space than in SD, I can move around tables which is great.

Looking forward seeing you in December! And hopefully before, if you come visit!

Eric meyer said...

Hello Michele !
Je te souhaite de sentir à l'aise et inspirée dans ce nouvel espace de travail qui semble une fois aménagé, agréable et pratique. Bonne création et plein de bonnes énergies pour ta future expo !

Michele Guieu said...

Salut Eric!
Oui, il est bien cet espace - je peux bouger, changer les tables de place selon les besoins - et pour l'instant travailler avec la porte du garage ouverte sur la rue. On va voir quand il fera plus frais!

Pour l'expo j'ai en tete une installation de peintures qui va prendre deux murs, ca marche pas mal sur le papier! Il me reste 2 mois mais ca devrait aller (vernissage 11 Decembre)!

Maura said...

Your studio space looks fantastic!
Enjoy your space. I KNOW great art will be born there.

Michele Guieu said...

Thank you Maura! I am working on a whole new series, not done yet!

Congrats on your show with Conrad. I am sorry I am missing it - It's great that the gallery made a video!