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Thursday, February 17, 2011

City Beat Covers Art Exhibition

A Time To Heal, 2008, 24x24"
Plexiglas face mounted archival digital print
Limited edition of 5

I am participating in an upcoming group show at Alexander Salazar Fine Art in San Diego. The piece is a print of the digital image which made the cover of the San Diego City Beat in June 2009. The show is entirely about the art pieces printed over three years on the cover of the City Beat. It's a pretty good idea to show them together. I regret I cannot be there to see the show. I hope to see some photos!

CITYBEAT Covers Art (2008, 2009 and 2010 covers)

From February 22 to March 1, 2011.

Artist Reception: February 24th

Alexander Salazar Fine Art
1040 7th Avenue

San Diego, CA 92101


Lori Lipsman said...


Michele Guieu said...

Hey Lori, thanks!
That show is really a cool idea. I do not know exactly how Alexander Salazar organizes so many events, but his energy is pretty impressive.
Hope you can check out the show!