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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Where the Wild Things Are: Patrick Dougherty's intallation, The Nature of Entanglements is on view at the Palo Alto Art Center

Sustainable, ephemeral, interactive public art

Today I received a Facebook message from Square Cylinder with a link to a very interesting article by David Roth about an installation by Patrick Dougherty in Palo Alto. There was also a video which I watched with my kids. They were really excited and they asked if we could go see "the houses" right away. They were ready in two minutes, we were there less than 15 mn later!

I was not aware of that work being built so close to where I live. Too bad, because the making of each piece by Patrick Dougherty seems to be an adventure in itself. But this afternoon little trip was amazing. And to see the enthusiasm of the children made it even more enjoyable.

I love that installation. I just finished a video for my class about the kids constructing a fort for fairies (they are an endangered species) with pieces of wood, grass and pine cones. Several days of just being there, with them, watching them. Where the real things are.

The Nature of Entanglements by Patrick Dougherty
Installation on view at the Palo Art Center until January 30, 2012.
1313 Newell Road
Palo Alto CA 94303
The Center is open to the public without charge:
Tuesday-Saturday: 10 pm to 5 pm
Sunday: 1 pm to 5 pm
Tuesday-Thursday: 7 pm to 10 pm

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