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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Defragmentation 66 @ 66 South First Street, San Jose

The installation "Defragmentation 66" will be on view through August from the sidewalk - unless the store is rented before then! The videos are on from 8:30 AM to 10:30 PM.

It is a completely different configuration than the installation I presented at
Project X Art and it was really interesting to play with the elements in a different space. I added one layer in the background: the dark blue-anthracite, given the fact that the surface was smaller and the "defragmentation" effect needed to be reinforced.

Many times during the week of the installation (I could only worked in the mornings), I changed some details in the design of the two layers of colors in the background, to adjust the lines with the paintings. I would change a line, go outside, check it out, come back in and eventually change it again. It was like solving a puzzle.

It is a nice experience, and I thank the Phantom Galleries in San Jose for the opportunity to participate in this exciting program. It is good for the community, for the people who walk downtown to see art in otherwise empty places.

Because there is nobody inside the space, I need to go from time to time to check if everything works OK: the 3 video monitors work with timers.

Phantom Galleries
Phantom Galleries is produced by Two Fish Design, in partnership with the
San Jose Downtown Association and the San Jose Redevelopment Agency.

Defragmentation: Rearranging Bits and Pieces of Memory" at Project X Art.


Lori Lipsman said...

I like how your installation works with the stone blocks on the outside. Wish I could see it live!

Michele Guieu said...

It should be up for a few months, maybe you'll see it!