Bill Lowe Gallery. On the wall: Trush Holmes, “Days”
Saturday. I am going to L.A. with my friend Jane (who wrote an essay about my work) and her daughter. Jane wanted to see the new work of photographer Gregory Crewdson at Gagosian Gallery in Beverly Hills. We arrive after the typical two-hour drive: there is a paper on the door, the gallery is closed. Other people are like us: they did not know. It happens. We decide to go to Bill Lowe Gallery in Santa Monica. It is not far. The gallery is immense, airy, with very high ceilings. All of the pieces flow together and it is a pleasure to walk and to see the art. First some large abstract paintings by Steve Seinberg, then, through a corridor some pieces by Michael David, strange thick sculptures/paintings made of oil and wax on fiberglass. One, “Chorten with Reds,” makes me think of damaged skin viewed under a microscope, kind of scary! Then some pieces under glass by Gary Komarin. I like the one painted on a series of grocery bags.
We are now in the middle of the gallery. Here, on both sides there are stacks of paintings which, I guess, can be easily pulled and shown. Some prints are on the floor. An untitled large mixed media piece by Todd Murphy takes up almost an entire wall: a man-deer on a very dark background, slightly shinning under a coat of acrylic.
On the opposite wall, an impressive piece by Michael David, “Red Jackie large”, a mixed media resin on panel. In the main room, a piece by Trush Holmes, “Days”, takes a wall: it is almost 200 inches long. Shiny, attractive, colorful: there is a good energy coming out of it. On the other walls, some paintings by Gary Komarin.
While I am looking at these pieces, the pieces on the floor next to the shelves of paintings have been changed and when I go back there, there are more pieces by Trush Holmes.
Even the floor is impressive in this gallery: raw concrete coated with a transparent varnish.
I meet Christian Nelson and Laura Clemons: they are very friendly. Following Laura’s advice, we decide to go to Bergamot Station, also in Santa Monica.
Michèle, de passage récemment sur ton site web j'ai découvert ton blog. J'y suis maintenant abonné et je viens donc presque quotidiennement lire tes posts (sans jamais encore avoir laissé de commentaire à ce jour...) J'aime les moments de simplicité et d'essentiel que tu nous fait partager quand nous parle de ta vie, ta famille, ton travail, le coyotte que tu aperçois derrière chez toi, etc,... Je connais la Bill Lowe Gallery par son site internet et j'apprécie un grand nombre d'artistes qu'elle représente et tout particulièrement Gary Komarin. J'aime moins ces travaux sur papier mais je trouve ses toiles fascinantes, elles symbolisent à mes yeux ce que peux être la liberté en peinture. Très difficile malheureusement de voir ses oeuvres en Europe, je n'en ai jamais vu, si ce n'est en reproduction. Donc de me dire en lisant ton post que quelqu'un que je connais est passé devant ses toiles, les a regardées, a ressenti les mêmes choses que moi, peut-être d'autres,..., ben voilà, ça me fait tout simplement plaisir!! Bises! Eric Meyer
Eric! Quelle belle surprise! J'adore le blog pour ca: savoir que des amis tres loin peuvent lire ce que j'ecris sur ma vie ici, c'est assez magique! merci d'avoir ecrit ces mots, bises de San Diego,
- Et si tu ne le connais pas encore, va faire un tour sur le blog d'Ivan, c'est un regal.
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